Choosing the right wallpaper can instantly transform a room and give it a fresh and updated look. And though wallpaper has long been around as a way to decorate homes and add character to any room, it has a reputation as being expensive, time-consuming to install, and difficult to remove. In reality, wallpaper is a highly versatile material that can be easy to use and cost effective. But with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide on the right one. Here are four tips to help you choose the right wallpaper for your space.
1. Consider the Intent
The first thing to consider when choosing wallpaper is the intent. Do you want to create a soft background in the space? Do you want to add an eclectic, layered feel? Or do you want to be bold and dramatic, creating a real point of view when you walk into the room?
2. Think About the Room’s Purpose
You might consider different wallpaper materials, patterns, or colours depending on the type and size of the room. For example, if you’re choosing wallpaper for a child’s bedroom, you may want to go for something fresh and playful. On the other hand, if you’re choosing wallpaper for a formal living room, you may want to opt for a more subtle, sophisticated design. When choosing wallpaper for a bathroom, you’ll want to select a washable material like a luxury peel-and-stick, which has the added bonus of being removable and repositionable.
3. Think About How You’ll Apply It
When choosing a wallpaper, keep in mind that it can be used for so much more than the walls. For a stand-out style moment, try using wallpaper on a ceiling. To add dimension and personality to built-ins and bookcases, apply wallpaper to the backs. Upgrade a plain dresser or bathroom vanity by wallpapering the drawer fronts – depending on the look you’re after, opt for a pattern that pops or aim for an elevated feel by matching the wallpaper to your walls.
4. Consider the Material
Traditional wallpaper installation can be time-consuming and expensive, and it can be difficult to remove. Luckily, peel-and-stick wallpaper has become a popular alternative for DIYers who want to update their home decor without the hassle. Luxury peel-and-stick wallpaper is a high quality, versatile option that can be used in almost any room, from the bedroom to the bathroom. Removable, repositionable, and washable, it’s also a good solution for renters who may not be able to make permanent changes to the walls.
Photography by A Plus Creative (1), Kim Jeffery (2)